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We represent our members’ interests, participate in public debate and promote sustainable living environments. Moreover, Rakli offers research information to support responsible decision-making and helps members to develop their expertise.
Rakli has more than 240 members, which are Finland’s most prominent owners of residential and commercial properties and infrastructure, property investors, biggest cities, as well as construction clients. The members represent both the private and the public sector.
Rakli makes sure that the voice of its members is heard when for example important taxation and land use related decisions impacting the whole sector are made. Our opinion matters, because 83% of the national wealth of Finland is made up of built environments.
Rakli´s goal is to ensure that buildings and infrastructure serve the needs of their users, and that our built environment is functional and attractive. A functional living and operating environment increases competitiveness and welfare as well as gives Finland an edge in international competition.
In addition, the association coordinates the activities of the Finnish Council of Shopping Centres, The Finnish Association of Student Housing Organisations SOA and the Finnish Association of Construction Management Companies. Rakli is also a member of a number of international organisations.
Our services include a real estate and construction newsletter which we send via email on Fridays (mostly in Finnish) and a member newsletter about 2-4 times a year. Our members can also have discounts on Suomen Tilaajavastuu services, certain training courses by Kiinko and seminars in which we are a partner.
We organize monthly events for our members to share current information about the industry. In addition, Rakli has theme networks in order to serve the people working in our member organizations. We also bring together real estate and construction professionals to work together in our regional councils in Turku, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Oulu.
We publish market information, such as a business cycle bulletin on two times a year, which primarily looks at the real estate and construction market from the perspective property owners and construction clients. In addition, rental housing and office space surveys are published in the spring and autumn, which will provide prospects for Rakli members’ for market outlook.
The voice of Rakli members is also heard in the various projects and studies we are involved in.
One of our key activities are management teams, which are assembled from the representatives of the member associations for two years at a time. Participating in the management teams gives our members an opportunity to influence the development of the property and construction industry as well as discuss and network.
There are six management teams:
Rakli has been lobbying the property and construction industry since 1977. The association´s roots are in the Union of Finnish Building Owners, set up by building contractors. The association has also lobbied the property industry since 1997, when Helsinki-based property owners joined the association and the Finnish Association of Building Owners and Construction Clients was founded.
In 2006, Rakli expanded further – into residential property – when the association took in the members of the discontinued Association of Residential Property Managers and Developers (ASRA). Since the beginning of 2007, Rakli has represented the interests of residential property, commercial property and infrastructure, and its activities cover the entire built environment.
Rakli has over 240 members